Bringing a Game Plan Star Trip back from the dead

Game Plan Star Trip So I recently acquired a Game Plan Star Trip which had MCU issues. No life on the MCU. After testing voltages, checking clocks, replacing capacitors and transistors for a few days my next move was to start ordering some replacement ICs. Not knowing if it would lead to a resolution and deciding that I didn't have the knowledge to go any further with debugging this MCU board I shelved it. Next plan was looking into finding a replacement. Some searches turned up some old posts which had Jim Francesangeli from Echo Lake Pinball Service & Sales selling a replacement MCU board. After contacting Jim my name was on the list to get a replacement board, but it could be 12 months before the next batch is processed. In the mean time I have a pretty cocktail pinball machine that does nothing but lights up. So my interim plan is to get this thing going by building a replacement MCU myself. I will probably still order the board from Echo Lake Pinball...